7 Advantages Of Drip Irrigation And How You Can Make Full Use Of It
Drip irrigation is considered one of the most efficient and sustainable irrigation techniques across the global agricultural spectrum. It helps farmers achieve more in less, which is why many farmers worldwide are increasingly adopting drip irrigation. If you are new to drip irrigation and want to know its benefits, you’ve come to the right place. This blog talks about seven drip irrigation advantages and also gives some tips to optimize it. 7 Advantages of Drip Irrigation Drip irrigation refers to setting up an irrigation system that involves supplying water through drip emitters that provide water and nutrients to the crop root zone in quantity required by the crop across all its growth stages. Since it is based on the principle of precision irrigation, drip irrigation offers several benefits in the long run. Drip certainly demands some initial investments, but the benefits make it a worthwhile investment. 1. Water-Savings Water is priceless. Bu...