7 Advantages Of Drip Irrigation And How You Can Make Full Use Of It

Drip irrigation is considered one of the most efficient and sustainable irrigation techniques across the global agricultural spectrum. It helps farmers achieve more in less, which is why many farmers worldwide are increasingly adopting drip irrigation. If you are new to drip irrigation and want to know its benefits, you’ve come to the right place. This blog talks about seven drip irrigation advantages and also gives some tips to optimize it.

7 Advantages of Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation refers to setting up an irrigation system that involves supplying water through drip emitters that provide water and nutrients to the crop root zone in quantity required by the crop across all its growth stages. Since it is based on the principle of precision irrigation, drip irrigation offers several benefits in the long run. Drip certainly demands some initial investments, but the benefits make it a worthwhile investment.

1.      Water-Savings

Water is priceless. But it is one of the scarcest resources. Considering the scarcity of water in the future and the increasing food demands of the world, farmers need an irrigation solution that enables them to optimize their agricultural yield, but at the same time, make prudent use of water. Drip irrigation proves an effective solution in this regard. It can save up to 30% to 70% water depending on the crop, water, soil-related factors.

2.      Cost-Savings

Drip irrigation is a cost-effective irrigation technique. Of course, it requires you to invest some money in designing the drip system, then laying drip lines, and then in periodic maintenance. However, it proves a cost-effective option than its conventional counterparts. It is because it requires a lesser amount of water and a lesser workforce to manage the system. All these factors translate into cost-savings in the long run.

3.      Retains Soil Moisture

Moisture is critical to the growth of every crop. Besides demanding a higher amount of water, conventional irrigation systems result in a loss of water due to evaporation, resulting in a gradual loss in the soil moisture content. Moisture loss affects crop growth and yield. But drip irrigation provides water to the crop root zone and prevents water loss due to evaporation. It retains moisture levels, soil health and enhances crop yield.

4.      Reduces Weed Growth

Weed growth is a crucial factor affecting crop growth and health. Watering crops through a traditional irrigation system involves supplying water to the soil instead of the crop root zone. But besides reaching crops, water also drips inside the areas between the plants, thus resulting in weed growth and harming crop health. Drip irrigation minimizes the growth of weed since water doesn’t drip anywhere, but only in the crop root zone.

5.      Prevents Soil Erosion and Fungus

Drip irrigation involves supplying water in quantities required by the crop but gently and steadily. It does not involve flooding the field with water, or supplying water at a high flow rate, as in the case of age-old irrigation systems. Such a gradual supply of water in the required quantities reduces runoffs and soil erosion. Besides, drip irrigation keeps foliage dry and thus prevents the growth and spread of powdery mildew.

6.      Suitable for Almost Every Crop

Although the drip design varies from crop to crop, and its water requirements, you can install drip irrigation for almost every crop. Partnering with a company like a drip irrigation partner like Netafim can help you determine the suitability of drip irrigation for your crop and the drip design to optimize crop yield and quality.

7.      Increases Yield Quantity and Quality

Drip irrigation involves the precision supply of water and nutrients to the crop root zone. In other words, crops get everything they want and in the required quantities across each of its crop stages. These factors help increase the crop quantity and also improve its quality. As a result, you grow a yield that is more marketable and profitable. Simply stated, you grow more in less, and thus make farming a profitable venture.

5 Simple Tips to Optimize Drip Irrigation

As the leading drip irrigation company in the world, Netafim enables farmers to grow more in less through customized drip irrigation systems that result in higher agricultural productivity and profits. As a responsible drip irrigation partner, the company also offers some tips to help you optimize drip irrigation. Here’s more to it.

1.      Create a Customized Drip Layout

Customizing the drip layout is the key to optimizing drip irrigation efficiency. Partnering with drip experts helps you design the drip system as per the crop’s requirements and according to the possibilities determined after reviewing the prevalent conditions. So, ensuring appropriate crop spacing, selecting the right type of driplines, etc., are factors that help you optimize the drip irrigation system for your crop.

2.      Match the System’s Application Rate and Water Acceptance Levels of the Soil

One of the first steps to optimize drip irrigation is to customize the design according to the crop’s water requirements and other factors such as the system’s application rate and water acceptance levels of the soil. Hence, supplying water at a rate faster than the system’s application rate and the soil’s water acceptance level may affect productivity. So, the first step to optimize drip irrigation is to customize the water supply.

3.      Maintain Uniform Irrigation Application

Living with challenges such as a poor drip system performance can affect your crop yield, quality and thus incur losses in the long run. To avoid this, you must maintain uniformity of at least 85% in the irrigation application. Besides, you must also ensure a periodic upgrade of the drip irrigation system. It calls for some monetary investment. However, to maintain drip efficiency, crop yield, and quality, these investments are imperative.

4.      Set Appropriate Timers for Drip Operations

Supplying water for a time longer than the required one may affect crop yield and result in runoffs, thus washing essential nutrients from the soil. Drip irrigation allows you to set drip schedules. Drip experts guide you on creating drip irrigation schedules that switch the system on and off when the scheduled water need of the crop is completed. Putting such systems in place enables you to optimize water flow, and thus the crop yield as well.

5.      Always Seek Expert Guidance on Drip Irrigation

Never do it alone! Drip irrigation helps you grow more in less, but only when you do have an expert drip irrigation partner like Netafim by your side. Netafim’s experts customize the drip irrigation system and align it with your crop demands and production needs. Doing all of it isn’t possible without an expert partner. Hence, you must always seek expert guidance to ensure you do what is necessary and achieve the desired levels of yield.

Netafim – The Leading Drip Irrigation Companies in India

Netafim is one of the leading drip irrigation companies across the globe. The company helps farmers maximize their yield through drip irrigation systems optimized and customized according to the various crop growth stages. It handholds farmers across every aspect of drip irrigation, right from designing, implementing, optimizing, and maintaining drip irrigation systems. For details and success stories, visit https://www.netafimindia.com/.


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